Glass Art Project
October 2010
Create a story of a utopia and an object "brought back" from a visit there.
Sketching, Solid Modeling, Wood Working, Working with a glassblower
Glass, Teak
For my Utopia, I re-imagined the concept of a wall. In our world, walls are permanent, and are only crude approximations of what we really want. For example, in the wintertime, we want walls to keep out the cold, but let in sunlight. Parts of the walls are thus thick and insulated, and other parts are windows; this patchwork system of properties is a compromise to what we would really want.
Imagine a world in which one were able to enter and exit spaces without needing to walk through a door. Now imagine a type of barrier that could block some things (smell, sound) but let in others (light, people). In the wintertime, one could walk into a building without needing to let in gusts of cold air. A person whose hands are full, or someone in a wheelchair, would never need to fumble for a doorknob again. Additionally, communal workplaces become little oases for the people working there -- "good fences make good neighbors." This world is my utopia.
I chose to retrieve from my utopia a device that can create these wall-less barriers. Drawing from the language of lamps, glass struck me as a logical material. I mocked up a rough idea of what I wanted and found that the nearby Bay Area Glass Institue (BAGI) has a handful of artists whom I could commission to do a piece. They connected me with Esteban Salazar, who was brave enough to take on the challenge of what I wanted